Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, Car Problems


Wouldn't you know I have a fuel leak. I'm currently getting it fixed and hoping they'll be done by 11:00 so I can head out after my check-out time is up. For now I'm camping out at the Best Western and biding my time.

Yesterday I stayed in Denver. I had a virtual interview with Citizen Schools. I also threw together a letter of intent for TFA just for kicks. It was storming outside and the roads were bad, so I didn't really venture too far. I did discover a delicious butternut squash soufflé I could actually eat. City grocery stores are the best. Whole Foods is by far my favorite, but I didn't make it there yesterday. I'm hoping they have a good organic section in Jackson. We do back in Blue Hill, and that's population 3000 or something, so....why not Wyoming? Gluten free, dairy free, sugar-free lovin!

Oh, and peanut-free. Don't like hives. Nasty business.

My belly has been extra angry lately, though I didn't get sick yesterday which is a good sign (I hope.) In other news, I'm addicted to Downton Abbey, though I'm having a hard time getting Season 2 on my computer. I watched the first season through Netflix, but they don't have season 2 for whatever sad reason. I am not a tv person, but it is a fun show...hoping to find another viewing method that doesn't cost $$.

I am also thinking a lot about grad schools, fellowships, and where this job in Idaho may lead. I hope something pans out! Many big ideas swirling in my brain! I think I have my living situation figured out (nanny gig in trade for free housing in a little cottage on an Elk Refuge) to try to get a job at the resort....

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