Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 24, Getting Made Fun Of

I already posted today, but this won’t be up for a while, so I’ll write again. For some reason today I seemed to be the butt of a lot of Tanzanian jokes. (Along with the other people in my CBT group who went to Hotel Oasis with me.) I got laughed at on the bus, on the street, on the bus again, and on the road to my village. People definitely mock-greeted us…or just talk funny. I’ve decided if nothing else I am bringing joy to the Tanzanian people just by being a conservative version of myself. I will spread joy and happiness by being the awkward white girl who can’t peel tomatoes properly.

On a negative note, three men touched me when they got off the bus. They grabbed at me through the window I was sitting next to. One got my cheek/nose with his hand and it really bothered me. I am kind of used to the occasional arm grab, but the face was too much. Grumble.  

I thought I’d also restate that I am only staying in Majengo Mapya (Morogoro area) until August 11th. Then I’ll be sworn in and shipped somewhere else. I won’t find out where until July 27th, but the interview is soon. I’m requesting somewhere warm! Full of vegetation! And lack of frost! I will be living alone there, not with a host family, most likely in close proximity with the school I’ll be teaching at.  We get to visit our sites before we move there, so I’m looking forward to the first week of August!!


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