Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, In Dar

We ate three lunches on Saturday! THREE! It was an insane amount of feasting. We ate at Sam's house, then at Aly's house, and then had an amazing amount of food at Michelle's house. The other kids in my CBT also ate funfetti cake. I had three oranges, which was plenty of sugar for me, and a ginger beer. I felt like I was going to literally explode. My host family also gave me a kitenge that's yellow and black, so I will have to get something made out of it. Saying goodbye was sort of strange. Priska wasn't even up on Sunday, so I didn't really get to say goodbye. I'll be back in Moro in December, so I'll say hi then.

Yesterday I got yelled at for wearing something culturally inappropriate. It's the first time I have, and needless to say I didn't take it well. Today we heard all about the rules of the PC. I definitely miss my freedom...might need to change the name of my blog because I'm not sure how "huru" I will really be over the next two years.

It's warmer here in Dar. I haven't been feeling very well, but I'm hoping that will change soon. Our Mkuu's are coming tomorrow to meet us. I am getting a bit nervous about moving to site/setting things up/feeling like I can socialize when I want to. Time will tell...

Today was also a hard eating day. Dairy and peanuts in most of the food, plus a lot of wheat items. I wasn't impressed.

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