So, today hasn't been optimal health-wise. I didn't do well yesterday in terms of holding things down and ended up getting extremely dehydrated. I started "operation-rehydration" this morning, but apparently it was a little too late. I picked up my packages (two arrived! probiotics!) and then went to help Ezra pick out some gifts for his friends back home. As we were looking at fabrics I suddenly realized I was going to faint, and for the second time in the Lushoto market, I blacked-out. Fortunately after regaining my consciousness and vision, I was given a ride back to Lawns by the owner, Tony, who had his car at the bank. I spent the remainder of my day hanging at Lawns in my hotel room. Hannah made beautiful Halloween decorations and I finished my Little Merjade costume. We made a play-list and I rested. We are having a small Halloween celebration/goodbye party for Ezra. It should be really nice!
Anyway, I am very happy I finally have my long-awaited package full of canned protein, probiotics, and protein powder. Hopefully things will start improving and this plan will work! I really just want to be healthy! So far today I've been just trying to rehydrate as much as I can. We will see how things go. Chronic sickness is not fun in any way, nor is it fun to freak out a bunch of Tanzanians by fainting in front of their duka. But I'm optimistic and hoping I'll see some turn-around within the next two weeks! Wish me luck!
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