Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 3, Breakfast

I think most people here eat bread or donuts for breakfast. Well, not really breakfast, but chai at 10:00 or 10:30. No one else ever eats with me in the morning. Because I can’t have gluten, every morning I am given eggs, an orange that is peeled and sliced, and a leftover item from the night before that has been reheated. Today I got plantain stew, yesterday I got rice, and the day before I got tomatoey potatoes. Chai is always served, but I’m very weird here because I take mine black. Tanzanians LOVE sugar (they can really chow own on some sugar cane), so my host mama was pretty shocked the first time I told her I wanted it black. A lot of people also have hot milk with tea, but obviously I wouldn’t do that either.  Allergies suck.

Today we talked about sexual assault for most of the day. It was an intense day and I’m glad it’s over. I got a Redds (alcoholic ginger-ale) before coming home as a self-reward. We walked again today. There weren’t as many shout-outs as usual, which was nice. Or maybe I’m just getting used to being yelled at. Sometimes I wish I could be a little less conspicuous. I still laugh at the kids who use strangely high voices to say “good-morning” at 6 pm, though. I don’t know if that will ever seem normal.

My host sisters are both out. I feel like I misunderstood my mama because she said that they are visiting their sister…but that confuses me. I’m not really sure what she meant, and at what point I misunderstood what she was saying.  Or if I’m just confused about the family structure—only time will tell.

I really love my new door lock. Now my door will shut without being locked which is really nice!!!

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