Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 28, Lessons to Be Learned

It's 7:00 in the morning, so nothing interesting has happened today. Nonetheless, I think I will use my battery time to write about lessons we can learn from TZ. I am tempted to also write about what they can learn from us, but everything I have typed out so far sounds a bit cynical, which isn't my intention, so I'll start with what we can learn. Note: Some lessons I personally feel may be a bit over-the-top to truly be adopted by Americans, but we can still take the core lesson from their cultural values/practices!

Things Americans Can Learn from Tanzanians:

  • It's good to laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously--Laugh at yourself, and don't be afraid if others laugh at you, too.
  • French fries should be served omelette style whenever possible. Seriously. Chipsi mayai. Best. Food. Ever. 
  • Respect your elders.
  • Share. Yes, that thing you hated doing in preschool. It's okay to let others use or even have your things. They are just THINGS.
  • Let your children have some freedom. Living life is about making some mistakes and getting hurt occasionally. Don't keep your kids in a plastic bubble.
  • Don't make breast-feeding a sexual or scandalous activity. It's about feeding a child, not about ogling someone's boobs.
  • Swim in a ninja-turtle outfit. Seriously. Just try it, it will be fun. 
  • Don't let time control you. Roll with the punches a little bit. 
  • Embrace your inner-urge to hit the repeat button over and over again, so long as you truly do love that song. 
  • Make toys out of trash. Get creative with your recycling abilities. Water bottles make awesome cars, and the caps even roll like actual wheels. 
  • Live in the moment--life can be very short, so enjoy it while it lasts. 
  • Buy custom-made items. Support your local economy rather than Wal-Mart. 
  • Say hello to people when walking down the street. 
  • Make rice fritters (vitumbua). They are delicious. 
  • Don't be too afraid of the outside world. Cockroaches happen. 
Alright, my internet bundle is running low, so that's all for now. Off to Lushoto tomorrow--electricity ahoy!