Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29, Bought Some Cashew Nuts!

So I'm lucky that the bus out of my village started this was looking bleak for a while, but they did actually get it running by 4:40. It sounded like it would fall apart at any moment the whole ride to Lusho, but I made it without breaking down!

I have been practicing eating small amounts at a time, in addition to limiting my water intake around meals to avoid vomiting. (It's become a problem again.) Our PCMO, Dr. Makwabe, is on board with my diet plan, although part of me wonders if something  else is going on in my stomach. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon if I stick to my veggie platters!

I tried to buy a gas stove but the store was closed for prayer all day. I'm hoping it will be open tomorrow! I did get some storage containers for food and a couple other house-hold things.

Hannah is by far the best at socializing with everybody here in Lushoto. I have a hard time being loud enough when I'm greeting people sometimes. It's hard enough for me to say hello to everyone I pass, let alone say greetings super loudly. Amy is also very good at being social, but not quite as exuberant. Sometimes I feel like I am too shy and reserved. I just tend to get a lot of unwanted male attention, so I'm kind of hesitant to be overly social to a lot of the guys here. It's just so hard to navigate the female-male relationship dynamic...

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